Add A Snazzy Header Here!

You can enter a super awesome SEO friendly snazzy welcome paragraph here that will entice and draw consumers into your website and make them fall in love with you forevermore. :)

Subheading about major talking points.

Eum in aeque solet, harum facilisis contentiones ut per. Has id nulla accusam signiferumque, vim at erant oblique dolores, et has stet iuvaret feugiat.

Solet, harum facilisis contentiones ut per. Has id nulla accusam signiferumque, vim at erant oblique dolores, et has stet iuvaret feugiat.

In aeque solet, harum facilisis contentiones ut per. Has id nulla accusam signiferumque, vim at erant oblique dolores, et has stet iuvaret feugiat.

Various talking points worthy of mention

  • Est exerci volumus reprimique ut, sea alii epicurei ei, nam justo soleat an.
  • Exerci volumus reprimique ut, sea alii epicurei ei, nam justo soleat an.
  • Valididem exerci volumus reprimi ut, sea alii epicurei ei, nam justo soleat an.
  • Volumus reprimique ut, sea alii epicurei ei, nam justo soleat an.


Some general notes about the additions made to this template for both the page slider (aka 'vegas') and the split navigation.

Split Navigation

There is a new Core Generic template, named 'skagit_navbar', this gets include into the new page template for the split menu (I didn't want to butcher the 'boxed' template).

There are two Navigator calls in this page, and the logo is also set within this template.

To limit what is shown in each of the two menus, use the 'exclude prefix' parameter, and then list the aliases of the top-level pages that should NOT BE INCLUDED (this gives the cleanest output for the HTML).

NOTE: currently using the first, last, and third classes to set the 3 columns. Depending on how it all comes together with the actual content, you may want to use columns instead (i.e. six, four, six - it would make the middle column smaller, giving more room for the two menus).

There is also another stylesheet for controlling these menus as well - 'Skagit911'.

The logo is controlled by the 'brand-logo' class that is defined in this new stylesheet as well.

At the moment there is a lot that I've commented out in this stylesheet, as I'm just trying to replace ONLY what is necessary for things to work.

Vegas Slider (page background)

Uses a LISE module (named 'Slideshow'), and has categories set up so it could also be used to organize/create normal slideshows as well.

Module Fields

  • Slide - requires the creation of a 'slides' folder inside 'uploads/images' - this is where the images will be stored.
  • Additional fields can be created - such as heading, caption, and linked page (for generating a link to a specific page) - however, those are more for standard slideshows.

Module Template (Summary)

The javascript to control the vegas slider is directly in this template. It's contained within - {cgjs_add}{/cgjs_add} - which magically adds the code to a compiled js file that's added to the bottom of the page (cleaning up the source code).


Vegas files are stored in the js and the CSS folder as follows:

  • uploads/js/vegas.js
  • uploads/js/vegas.min.js - minimized for use once build and testing are done
  • uploads/css/vegas.css
  • uploads/css/vegas.min.css - minimized for use once build and testing are done

* each of the files MUST include within the page template that is going to use it


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet ut odio non semper. Curabitur nec lobortis dolor, et commodo nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet ut odio non semper. Curabitur nec lobortis dolor, et commodo nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet ut odio non semper. Curabitur nec lobortis dolor, et commodo nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet ut odio non semper. Curabitur nec lobortis dolor, et commodo nisl.

easy to change footer main info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet ut odio non semper. Curabitur nec lobortis dolor, et commodo nisl. Pellentesque id felis eu nulla congue dignissim in tristique ipsum. Curabitur suscipit gravida finibus. Cras in massa dolor. Donec ligula erat, tincidunt ac fringilla nec, tempus ac dolor. Donec auctor libero a fermentum ullamcorper. Pellentesque ac enim turpis. Pellentesque venenatis maximus mauris, vel ultricies ligula porttitor eget. Integer est massa, laoreet a luctus ut, mollis ac lectus. Etiam eget nisl purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi at ornare lorem. Maecenas eu molestie arcu.

easy to change footer main info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet ut odio non semper. Curabitur nec lobortis dolor, et commodo nisl. Pellentesque id felis eu nulla congue dignissim in tristique ipsum. Curabitur suscipit gravida finibus. Cras in massa dolor. Donec ligula erat, tincidunt ac fringilla nec, tempus ac dolor. Donec auctor libero a fermentum ullamcorper. Pellentesque ac enim turpis. Pellentesque venenatis maximus mauris, vel ultricies ligula porttitor eget. Integer est massa, laoreet a luctus ut, mollis ac lectus. Etiam eget nisl purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi at ornare lorem. Maecenas eu molestie arcu.